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How to Cope if Friends Are Being Mean

One minute your friend is nice and the next she's mean and the only thing worse than a mean enemy is a mean friend. There are a few things you can do to make the situation better and to learn how to cope with it. 

Difficulty: Moderate


  1. 1

    Confide in someone you trust. They have likely been in a similar situation and can give you some tips. Tell them what you like and dislike about the person so they have a better idea of how to help you.

  2. 2

    Make more friends. The more friends you have, the less likely you will have to deal with any mean friends alone. You also have a better chance of getting away from the person if you have a group of people to hang out with.

  3. 3

    Step back and do something on your own for awhile. It will show you disapprove of the meanness while also giving you time apart.

  4. 4

    Tell your friend how you feel. You shouldn't let someone treat you poorly and your friend needs to know this. You shouldn't let friends be mean to others in your presence either or you are condoning bullying.

  5. 5

    Get away if you are being physically hurt. Depending on the severity or the amount of time you have dealt with it, counseling may be helpful. You should never allow anyone to be be physically abusive.

  6. 6

    Find out if any of your mean friends are being bullied by anyone or if there are problems at home. The person may be acting out because they are in pain. You owe it to your friend to find out.

  7. 7

    Ask yourself if this mean person really is a friend. Friends should be kind and considerate. They make you feel good about yourself, not bad.

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<br /> <br /> This is a great help esp. when you're almost being out of patient<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />